It's been awhile since I've posted anything but I'm back and I have a new blog that I'd like to share. Please check it out. The blog will be a story of my adventures at attempting new forms of art. Currently I'm venturing into the sculpting world using paper clay. My first try has been an experience and one that I've really enjoyed. I've posted a picture of my project prior to doing the painting and finishing up. The link is below, the blog is named "In the Studio with Juney and Rose...I hope you enjoy my adventure and follow me along the way....
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
He's growing up....
Jordan has just graduated from the 5th grade and will be moving up to the Middle School in September, leaving his little sister to finish what he started. He is my first grandchild and not that I'm partial but he's always been special. He's at that age now where he is ready to venture on his own and doesn't want to hold grammy's hand anymore. Has his own friends and interests and grammy is put on the back burner. Do I sound sad, oh I am, but I'm enjoying that I can watch him grow up and know that even though I love him so very much, I don't have to raise him, that's his mom's job and she has done a very good job of it. She's a single mom, who works as a substitute teacher and goes to college where she is majoring in psychology. It's tough for her making ends meet sometimes but she's found a way to balance family, work, and school so that she can be there for her children and to be able to provide them with everything that they need. She's strict with their upbringing and grammy sometimes puts a kink in things because, I like to spoil them. To be able to give them what I couldn't have as a child and what I couldn't give their mom when she was growing up. Mom does pull the strings though, if mom says no, then grammy has to back off. Mom does know what's best but, boy is it hard sometimes. I didn't have the relationship with my children that my daughter has with hers. That is something that I'll never be able to change as you can never turn back the clock, but I thank god every day that I have her and her children to remind me that there is life after being a mom and it's being a grammy, it's the best job in the world", next to being a mom that is....I love you Nykki, Jordan, and Katy!!!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Remember what Memorial Day means...

Celebrate this holiday by helping heroes keep in touch with home.
If you have ever had a family member in the service, or know someone who is or has been, take the time to check out this blog, you'll be glad you did.
My prayers are with the families, who's loved ones have been lost to this war and to those still fighting thru it, to those who have been injured and who's lives will be changed forever because of it. To those families who's loved ones have come home however, still a part of them not able to forget the devastation they have seen. We are blessed that you were there for us. You are all heroes and will always be remembered as such. God Bless the USA.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Some day she'll be famous...
My granddaughter was in the news paper yesterday for dancing show that she was in for school. She's the one with the hat on sideways. Always a character that one. She's 8 years old and an attitude that you wouldn't believe unless you heard or saw it. Always the hand on the hip and the it's my way or no way attitude. I'm sure you know what I mean. But ya' have to love her she's a character.
Here is the line from the paper that described her and her mom's comments
"Kaitlin Eastman age 8, of the Chamberlain Dance Team, ball cap fashionably askew, was exhilarated, and found performing before an audience "awesome."
Agreeing was her mother Nicole MacDonald who added, "It is especially nice to know that the funds raised go to a Spaulding High School senior" said the Rochester native.
A proud moment for grammy!!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Heads up!!!
What's that old saying "Two heads are better than one"...well how about 9. Yup, this is what I've been working on this weekend. I've got about 100 or so more to go. Then I have to work on the bodies, arms, and legs. I'm hoping to get them done this week, if not stuffed at least cut out and sewn together.
I've got a couple of bodies done, just to see what they looked like and what I could do. I think these are okay, but I'll need lots more. The best part though is the clothes and accessories. Once I get to that they will really come to life. And don't forget the faces.
Well back to work now, just wanted to give you a sneak peak. I'll be back next weekend with another update. See you soon "so to speak". Let me know what you think, look forward to hearing from you.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Soft in the Head Giveaway
Soft in the Head is having a giveway that you don't want to pass up. Here is a picture of the lit'l buzzer himself. It's easy, all you have to do is leave a comment about the best summer you ever had. How hard is that. Go to her blog by clicking on SOFT in the HEAD. Go on now, what'cha wait'n for. Don't wait till it's to late. Good luck to all !!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Witch is in.....
I know that it's not Halloween and it's a way's away, but why wait. Here is my Witch wall and/or door hanger. She's made from muslin, grunged and stained. Her face is green with a long crooked nose and button eyes. The black hat is also made from muslin and has a cheese cloth wrap with a banner that says "The Witch Is In" and attached with rusty pins. Her straggly hair is made from a heavy twine that has been stained black. She's quite a site don't you think.
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